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Enseigne Casino Las Datas après fabrication à la découpe à jet d'eau
Casino Las Datas sign after manufacturing with water jet cutting

Casino Las Datas

The Internet has become our new living space for massive distraction. Online, we hang out, we learn stuff, we get lost, we calculate our next moves, we observe our own behavior and we become individuals.
Every day, our digital lives produce billions of gigabytes of data. We have all become producers of data that provide raw material for online businesses. 
While this value is created collectively, the income generated is privatized. The time has come to propose a new algorithmic deal. To do so, we must truly comprehend these systems and collectively become aware of our online habits and their monetized ends. 

Conceived as a space for massive distraction, the Casino Las Datas materializes the space of the Internet, where everyone gambles with their own data, without ever winning anything. The casino, full of slot machines customized with online icons, comes to life through the activity of its visitor-gamblers. 
Depending on the data that they accept to give up upon entering—e-mail address, telephone number, Twitter ID, etc.—they receive a pail full of tokens that is more or less full. 

There are several winning combinations, including 666: jackpot and sign of the toxic game that we are playing with our data every day.


2017 – Albertine Meunier - Filipe Vilas-Boas - Sylvia Fredriksson





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